
で、翻訳してたんだけど、とあるページを開いたら Sleipnir が落ちてしまい、おいおいと思いながら立ち上げ直し、matz にっきを開きなおしたらこっちもエラーで落ちてた。寝ろってことだな、うん。

途中までの分を貼っとく(記法は textile よ):

Two new method names of Range.

Matz wants a good idea about two new method names on his blog("2005-12-10":http://www.rubyist.net/~matz/20051210.html).

One is the method to check whether a Range include an element or not, by comparison operator. Existing "include?" and "member?" means containing discrete union - except Number - from 1.9.

This method return true if "beg <= x <= end", like this:


Matz takes a fancy for "cover?", but he would change his mind if there were better one. Matz likes a short name for convenient method.

Another mothod is one to check whether a Range contains --- or not.


Please see the thread "[ruby-talk:167182]":http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/vframe.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/167182?167051-169742
